Seymour R-II Accredited with "Distinction in Performance"

The Distinction in Performance recognition is based on the 14 academic performance standards that are the basis of the state’s accreditation program for all school districts. The standards are based on scores from the state-mandated MAP tests, high school end-of-course exams, graduation rates, ACT scores, and other measures.  A school district must score a minimum of 13 points and those points must contain the six mathematics and English academic standards.

A+ Program

The A+ Schools Program was initiated to offer financial incentives to students to attend Missouri’s public 2-year post-secondary schools. Under the program, the state government provides eligible students with college expenses. At the end of the 2012-2013 school year, 87% of our graduating seniors qualified for 2-years free college tuition.

Credit Recovery and Acquisition:

Seymour has just started utilizing Acellus  It will be used for Virtual classes so students can gain Credit Acquisition and for those that may need Credit Recovery.