Below you will find links directly to Seymour School data on the state website. There is also a breakdown of what each of the numbers mean.

District Wide APR:
District APR Link

School Building APR Break Down:
High School APR / Middle School APR / Elementary School

The Seymour R-II Annual Performance Report (APR) for the 2016-2017 school year is divided into five scoring areas with a possibility of scoring an overall total of 140 points.

The district scored 122.5 points overall or 87.5% of the points available; this is up 2.5% from the year before. A school district must score at least 70% of the points possible to be fully accredited, 50% of the pints possible to be provisionally accredited and below 50% will result in being unaccredited.

More detailed data on just what the scores mean can be viewed by clicking on the following link:
Additionally, each building has its own APR and you can access this by clicking the same link above.


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